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Hi there! It's already Sunday, so it's time for… an announcement! TL;DR: This is going to be the last newsletter for a while. You don't need to do anything, I'll probably be back but I don't know when, and I will neither sell your email address nor send you spam in the meantime. I've been writing fx:macro for about 20 months now, and it has grown into something I'm proud of. As I've often said: it helped me in a lot of ways to become more structured and more concise, I've met great people...

Hi there! It's already Sunday, so it's time for another edition of fx:macro Lite! Great to have you here! This week's image shows a cesspool with a gold nugget in it. Which has a lot to do with the last bit of homework I do every day. Read more about that below… Let's get started… In case you missed the usual deep-dive yesterday, you can still sign up for that here and get access to the premium content: 💎 Central Bank Speaker Recap for this week Speaking of homework… here's this week's...

Welcome to issue #84 of fx:macro! Summary Research folder with all material: Google Drive The archive will all previous issues can be found here: Playbook for next week This is the shortest possible summary of everything you will find in the rest of this newsletter. Please check out this article about what this summary aims to provide and what its limitations are. Currency Drivers For an explanation check out this link. Week in Review Central bank speaker recap for...

This is a free issue of the content I send out to paying subscribers every Saturday. You can sign up for that here if you like: Welcome to issue #83 of fx:macro! Summary Research folder with all material: Google Drive The archive will all previous issues can be found here: Playbook for next week This is the shortest possible summary of everything you will find in the rest of this newsletter. Please check out this article about what this summary aims to provide and...

Welcome to issue #83 of fx:macro! Summary Research folder with all material: Google Drive The archive will all previous issues can be found here: Playbook for next week This is the shortest possible summary of everything you will find in the rest of this newsletter. Please check out this article about what this summary aims to provide and what its limitations are. Currency Drivers For an explanation check out this link. Week in Review Central bank speaker recap for...

Hi there! It's already Sunday, so it's time for another edition of fx:macro Lite! Great to have you here! Recently, I talked to a couple of traders and at some point, someone mentioned the PMI. Everybody agreed that it's a great indicator to follow but they were surprised when I said I'm actually reading the report, and that I consider that “homework”. So, I thought it might be a good idea to write a short piece on it. As for the image, I asked MidJourney to paint soft and hard data (because...

Welcome to issue #82 of fx:macro! This is a short one without the market outlook. We'll be back to regular coverage next week. Summary Research folder with all material: Google Drive The archive will all previous issues can be found here: Week in Review Central bank speaker recap for the week: PDF Central bank events and economic data for this week: PDF Nothing from central banks this week Additional Material Central bank overview with the summaries of each of the...

Hi there! It's already Sunday, so it's time for another edition of fx:macro Lite! Great to have you here! This week, we'll have a look at one of my favourite indicators: the Citi Economic Surprise Index. And when I asked MidJourney for an image of economists all running in a herd (because that's one thing this indicator captures), I got this delightfully weird set of suggestions… Let's get started… In case you missed the usual deep-dive yesterday, you can still sign up for that here and get...

Welcome to issue #81 of fx:macro! Next week, I'll publish a short version without the market outlook. This week, COT data is missing because the data isn't released before Monday. Summary Research folder with all material: Google Drive The archive will all previous issues can be found here: Playbook for next week This is the shortest possible summary of everything you will find in the rest of this newsletter. Please check out this article about what this summary aims...

Hi there! It's already Sunday, so it's time for another edition of fx:macro Lite! Great to have you here! When I asked MidJourney for a cover image for this issue, I put in the prompt: “What breadth looks like in the stock market”. The results look weird but some things came up again and again: rain, people with umbrellas, and parts of Greek temples or pyramids. This week, I write about how I approach market breadth and why it's valuable. And in a sense, MidJourney captures quite a few...